Biocide and certibiocide regulations
From 1 January 2025, Certibiocide will become mandatory for all professionals wishing to acquire, use or distribute biocidal products intended for professional activities (Certibiocide Decree of 9 October 2013).
What is the objective of the Certibiocide ?
Certibiocide aims to regulate the use of biocidal products by ensuring that the professionals who handle them, whether purchasing, using or distributing, have the necessary skills to do so in a safe and compliant manner.
The decree now distinguishes between 3 types of Certibiocide :
– Disinfectants Certibiocide: for TP2, TP3, TP4 products (disinfection products).
– Pests Certibiocide: for TP14, TP18, TP20 products (pest control products).
– Other Products Certibiocide: for TP8, TP15, TP21 products (wood preservatives, avicides, antifouling). : for TP8, TP15, TP21 products (wood preservatives, avicides, antifouling).
Validity of the Certibiocide :
Certibiocides issued before 31/12/2023 remain valid until their expiry date. They are equivalent until their end date of validity to the 3 new certibiocides issued since the beginning of 2024 and therefore allow the purchase, use or sale of all the professional products concerned by the new Certibiocide decree. The new Certibiocide is valid for 5 years.
Who is concerned by the Certibiocide?
– Distributors of biocidal products : The spirit of the decree is to ensure that the customer is, at a given moment in the sales process, in contact with a person who holds the certibiocide and is able to provide him with the information necessary for the proper use of the biocidal products concerned. The distribution undertaking must be organised accordingly in order to fulfil this obligation.
– Buyers : Within the meaning of the decree, the buyer is the person in the establishment who chooses the product and who orders its acquisition. It is indeed the company that has the knowledge and skills to make the choice of this product according to the use and its intended use.
– Decision-makers : The notion of decision-maker is understood in the sense of the persons responsible within the institution for :
- Choosing the products used,
- Define product usage protocols,
- Validate service proposals and specifications,
- Raise awareness among operators of good disinfection practices,
- Instruct the disinfection operations to be carried out.
Thanks to our Marketing Authorization (MA) files, we guarantee the compliance and continuity of disinfection products, whether they are under our Hygiene and Nature brand or yours.
🌿At Hygiene and Nature, our products are classified as Disinfectant Certibiocide. As a committed manufacturer, we actively support this regulation and have been working for several years to obtain marketing authorisations for our biocidal products.
Do not hesitate to contact our teams for any questions or additional information on this subject, which is essential to the security and compliance of your practices.
To find out more, you can also visit the Government website : CERTIBIOCIDE